Gallery - Chemical Industry Outlook 2024


The Indian Chemical industry has a huge role to play to make India a US $30 trillion economy by 2047 by contributing around US $1 trillion by 2040. The industry is currently pegged at US $220 billion and is growing at a CAGR of 9.3%. As the sector plays a significant role in enabling the growth of the Indian economy, the country needs to build a competitive landscape for the chemical industry.

Be it China-Plus-One strategy that seeks to develop alternate manufacturing hub, and India is pitted to be its biggest beneficiary, countries, and companies are seeking to diversify and de-risk their supply chains, changing geopolitics, trade war, increasingly stringent environmental norms, and increasing compliance and labour costs for manufacturers in China, or demand driven by growth in domestic chemical consumption in India, the Indian Chemical industry is in massive tailwind for unprecedented growth in the coming years.

Besides, the critical growth support that Chemical industry extends to a vast number of other industries helping produce almost 100,000 products, strengthens sector’s untapped potential and massive growth opportunity in India in the coming years. The sector will be integral to Government’s aspiration of developing an ‘Aatmanirbhar Bharat’ as well as growth aspirations of making India a US $30 Trillion economy by 2047.

Chemical Industry Outlook 2024

The fourth edition of Indian Chemical News (ICN) Compendium titled “Chemicals Industry Outlook 2024,”an exclusive collection of premium content for CXOs in the chemicals, petrochemicals and energy sector, will highlight the role of the industry and its contribution to the Indian economy.

The theme of this year’s edition is ‘Achieving US $1 Tn by 2040’. The Compendium will provide an in-depth analysis of chemicals, petrochemicals and energy sectors by featuring industry leader’s perspectives, interviews from leaders in the government, industry, academia, associations, and R&D organizations amongst others.

It will also focus on digitalization, automation, technology, green, sustainability, supply chain & logistics, paints & coatings, dye & dyestuffs, hydrogen and electric vehicles etc.The ICN Chemical Industry Outlook will be released in April 2024 and copies of the same will be distributed to key industry stakeholders through both offline and online channels.

The Compendium Outlook will also be available in digital format on Indian Chemical News website (

Compendium Format

  • Print Version
  • E-Version
  • Micro Site

Targeted Distribution

  • Print Edition: 10,000-12,000 Copies
  • E-version: 45,000 Subscribers

Targeted Audience Profile

  • Senior to Mid-level Executives
  • Government Policy Makers
  • Industry Associations, Think Tanks & Media


Key Industry Segments

  • Chemicals
  • Petrochemicals
  • Energy
  • Sustainability & Circular Economy
  • Hydrogen & Bio-energy
  • Digitalization & Automation
  • Supply Chain & Logistics
  • EV & Battery
  • Fertilizers

Gallery - Chemical Industry Outlook 2023