Sipcam launches biofungicide ‘Mevalone’

Sipcam launches biofungicide ‘Mevalone’

Innovative biofungicide offers naturally derived defense against Bunch Rot and Powdery Mildew in grapes

  • By ICN Bureau | January 29, 2024

Sipcam Agro USA has launched Mevalone in California. A revolutionary biofungicide that offers grape growers successful management of bunch rot and powdery mildew* on wine, table and raisin grapes.

Mevalone is a specialty crop protection product with a novel soft chemistry and unique mode of action. Successfully used by European growers for years, Mevalone is now registered in CA and available in 16 other states.
"Mevalone's curative action against spore germination, and preventative benefits when applied at the recommended timings, have demonstrated its equivalence to the best conventional standards available today," said Giovanni Mattaini, VP, Regulatory and Development. "It fits perfectly into integrated disease management programs, always ready to control Bunch rot, (Botrytis) and powdery mildew* when conditions are favorable for their development."

For growers looking at resistance management options, Mevalone has one of the lowest risks of developing Botrytis resistance as a FRAC Group BM01 Biological. Replicated university and third-party cooperator trials with Mevalone (2007 to 2023) have shown no risk of interference with fermentation or the winemaking process, and no effect on aromas. With only a three-day preharvest interval (PHI) and a 12-hour reentry interval (REI), Mevalone is very accommodating for any disease conditions that may occur each growing season. Mevalone can be applied up to four applications per season.

Mevalone is formulated with Eden Research's patented Sustaine Technology.

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