Revenue increased by 21 per cent year on year from Rs. 1,363 crores in Q3FY23 to Rs. 1,657 crores in Q3FY24
PCBL Ltd has registered 52 per cent jump in its net profit to Rs. 148 crores in Q3 FY24 compared to Rs. 97 crores in Q3FY23. On QoQ basis, the company’s net profit increased by 20 percent from Rs. 123 crores in Q2FY24.
PCBL Ltd’s revenue increased by 11 per cent on a quarter-on-quarter basis from Rs. 1,487 crores in Q2FY24 to Rs. 1,657 crores in Q3 FY24. Further, revenue increased by 21 per cent year on year from Rs. 1,363 crores in Q3FY23 to Rs. 1,657 crores in Q3FY24.
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