AgroChem associations ACFI, CCFI, CropLife India, and PMFAI join hands for growth of the sector

AgroChem associations ACFI, CCFI, CropLife India, and PMFAI join hands for growth of the sector

In February 2023, Indian Chemical News (ICN) took the first initiative of bringing all agrochem industry associations under one platform during AgroChem Summit

  • By ICN Bureau | October 19, 2023

All four agrochemical associations - Agro Chem Federation of India (ACFI), Crop Care Federation of India (CCFI), Croplife India, and Pesticide Manufacturers & Formulators Association of India (PMFAI) have joined hands for taking up joint representation with state and central government on issues of common interest which will benefit all stakeholders. This was discussed in a joint meeting of all associations which was initiated by CropLife India.

On 24th February 2023, Indian Chemical News (ICN) took the first initiative of bringing all agrochem associations under one platform during AgroChem Summit which was held at The Park, New Delhi and had Arun Baroka, Secretary, Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals, Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, Government of India as the chief guest. It was not an easy task for Indian Chemical News at that point of time and ICN is very happy now to witness this new development of all the four industry associations coming together for a common cause which would be very helpful for farmers in the long run.     

Talking exclusively to Indian Chemical News, Parikshit Mundhra, President, Agro Chem Federation of India said, "Basically we have decided that all the four associations would be working together as far as possible on the common minimum program which would help us to strengthen our position in the industry and in front of the government regulators. Few of the key areas where we would be working for improving the perception of the industry among stakeholders and public at large. Also we would focus on the safe and judicious use of agrochemicals, trying to improve the legislation for registering newer products. We have decided that we all would be meeting once a quarter and take up a common minimum program because we have seen success in few areas like issue of Glyphosate being used by PCOs, PMB issue, Label and Leaflet issue, certain states banning certain molecules for a limited period of time. The industry recognises the strength of coming together and I as the President of ACFI commit that we shall be there whenever the industry and the other association need us."

Commenting on this big development, Deepak Shah, Chairman, Crop Care Federation of India (CCFI) said, "Industry must work together and must have one voice. I feel most of the issues are common barring one or two. The issues which are not common we can leave it aside for the time being and work on issues which are common which are affecting the industry as well as it is affecting all of us. We are failing to serve the farmers and we must all work together and represent the government and convince them that these are some of the issues that really need attention. The industry knows the practicality of the problem and the government will give a proposed change which may not be practical, economically viable, and which may not be serving the purpose because we know ourselves what the farmers want. So we all have to come  together and convince the government."     

Talking about joint representation, Dr. K. C. Ravi, Chairman, CropLife India said, "This is the first time that we have invited all the four associations under one roof. There are many issues on which there is convergence. We had something called the 3D agenda which was all about policy and regulatory issues and we found that there is more than 80% convergence on most of the issues so this was an attempt to bring everyone together and set up some kind of mechanism by which we take up these issues with the government so that we are one voice to the government as well and more importantly work on the tricky issues which are typical of the other associations and try to move the needle to see where we can have a via media to look constructively at difficult issues and see where we can have a win win for all. That is the attempt with this initiative today. Going forward, I hope that there will be a mechanism for regular meetings. There is a lot of work to done and there can be lot of joint campaigns like safe and responsible use for the farming community that is something where we all can work together. At the end of the day we all want the farmers to thrive and they are the most important constituent and it is no denying about it.               

Commenting on formation of one common platform, Pradip P. Dave, Pesticide Manufacturers & Formulators Association of India (PMFAI) said, "It is a great pleasure to meet all the associations and I am very happy that all four associations are under one platform. As you know day by day, pesticide and agrochemical business is getting more and more complicated. We have to depend on many things like state authorities timely and untimely banning the product during kharif time. All associations have decided to fight on one platform and represent to the state and central government on various issues of pesticide use. Pesticide is must for farmers, for crop protection, and for food production. We are very happy that we are under one platform and we will see the industry and farmer interest to the best."   

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