Brenntag receives ISCC PLUS certification for mass balanced products
Supply Chain

Brenntag receives ISCC PLUS certification for mass balanced products

Mass Balancing enables fast reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by facilitating the allocation of green or circular feedstock

  • By ICN Bureau | January 30, 2024

Brenntag, the global market leader in chemicals and ingredients distribution, proudly announces being awarded the International Sustainability and Carbon Certification ISCC PLUS.

After the certification of Brenntag’s Product Carbon Footprint data calculation method “CO2Xplorer” last year, ISCC PLUS now further underscores Brenntag's consistent dedication to environmentally responsible and sustainable business practices. Brenntag is now able to distribute more products that are produced by the Mass Balance approach.

Mass Balancing enables fast reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by facilitating the allocation of green or circular feedstock to conventional products, which can be directly used without reformulation and are directly applicable within the same technical infrastructure, enabling a seamless transition to more sustainable value chains.

“By continuously exploring opportunities to reduce CO2e emissions and promoting circular product solutions, we can now expand our portfolio with products with verified, tracked, bio-based, and recycled raw material content,” states Wolfgang Edel, Director Business Development Sustainability Brenntag Essentials. “Brenntag is now on the best path to becoming a full decarbonization solution provider for the industry. The newly gained ISCC PLUS certification unlocks access to a new group of sustainable products, which strongly enhances our capability to cut CO2e emissions and promote circular solutions. In conjunction with our CO2Xplorer, we can make greenhouse gas emissions visible and offer a credible basket of alternatives to conventional products, assisting our customers to achieve their sustainability goals.”

ISCC PLUS certification reflects Brenntag's adherence to stringent criteria covering areas such as traceability, greenhouse gas emissions, and social responsibility. By obtaining this recognition for multiple sites, Brenntag demonstrates the next step to connect the sustainability needs of its customers, with the transformation capabilities of its suppliers. This milestone not only reinforces Brenntag's environmental stewardship but also highlights the company's ability to adapt and thrive in an evolving industry landscape.

“Suppliers, Customers, partners, and stakeholders can trust in Brenntag's commitment to implement sustainability into business practices as the company continues to lead by example”, said Dr. Andreas Kicherer, Vice President Sustainability Brenntag Group.

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