Scored among top 8% of companies that disclosed data to CDP
Dow has been recognized as a Global Supplier Engagement Leader by CDP, a global nonprofit that runs the global disclosure system for investors, companies, cities, states, and regions to manage their environmental impacts.
CDP's Supplier Engagement Rating (SER) system independently evaluates supplier engagement practices with the aim of accelerating action to reduce emissions in global supply chains. Several thousand companies disclosed their data to CDP, with the top 8% being named Supplier Engagement Leaders.
"By assessing and improving our sourcing practices, we can further the transition to a carbon neutral economy," said Cathy Budd, Dow's Chief Purchasing Officer. "This external recognition from CDP marks further progress on our journey to become the most sustainable materials science company in the world."
CDP assesses performance on supplier engagement by using a company's response to selected survey questions on governance, targets, scope three emissions, and value chain engagement in the CDP climate change questionnaire.
"I'm very proud of the work our cross-functional teams have done to help advance our sustainable supply chain practices," said Greg Jozwiak, Dow's Chief Supply Chain officer. "Our supply chain extends to more than 60 countries with a base of more than 30,000 vendors. Because of its global reach, we see supply chain sustainability as a key enabler of Dow's overall corporate sustainability strategy."
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