This is the first time a Made in India product under HALS has been exported to various parts of the globe with the Make In India label
Clean Science and Technology Limited (CSTL) have successfully commercialized HALS (Hindered Amine Light Stabilizers) Series and DHDT in a dedicated production block.
This is the first time a Made in India product under HALS has been exported to various parts of the globe with the Make In India label. Clean Science And Technology Limited is pleased to announce its first ever export of the Cleanlight Stab 944 to the USA.
Clean Fino-Chem Limited (CFCL), a wholly owned subsidiary of Clean Science and Technology Limited has also commenced commercial production of 2,5-Dihydroxy-1,4-Dithiane in a dedicated production block. The company is pleased to achieve following notable distinctions by commercializing DHDT. The company would be a key domestic manufacturer of DHDT, leading to import substitution led demand traction.
With commercialization of DHDT, the value proposition of the pharma segment strengthens further by creating cross-selling opportunities with Dicyclohexylcarbodimide (DCC) customers. The company developed DHDT using chlorination chemistry, which is a new addition to existing chemistry capabilities.
Commercialization of DHDT, functionally critical specialty chemical, underscores robust in-house R&D capabilities supported by synergistic in-house project engineering capabilities.
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