FMC launches Adastrio targeting late-season diseases

FMC launches Adastrio targeting late-season diseases

Fungicide features a new, FMC-exclusive molecule in the SDHI class

  • By ICN Bureau | November 15, 2023

FMC is launching Adastrio fungicide on a limited commercial basis for the 2023 crop season. Adastrio fungicide is a foliar fungicide that combines three modes of action and is the first fungicide to use the newest molecule in the SDHI class, fluindapyr. This fungicide is built to provide broad-spectrum control of key foliar diseases and help protect yield potential all the way through to harvest.

Adastrio fungicide is labeled for use in corn, grain sorghum, wheat, triticale and barley against anthracnose leaf blight, common rust, gray leaf spot, Northern corn leaf blight and Southern rust.

“With Adastrio fungicide, we have a unique combination of three active ingredients: fluindapyr (Group 7), flutriafol (Group 3) and azoxystrobin (Group 11). The result of bringing these active ingredients together is a flexible and efficient foliar disease management tool for growers. It has a broad application window in corn, a low use rate and long-lasting residual control,” says Gail Stratman, Regional Technical Service Manager for FMC.

Each active ingredient in the fungicide brings a different layer of activity and protection. Fluindapyr is a new molecule in the SDHI class exclusively from FMC. It provides broad-spectrum activity against a range of foliar diseases, has residual properties, delivers strong rust control and reduces abiotic stress during grain fill after application. Studies have also shown fluindapyr controls pathogens that are resistant to other chemical classes. Flutriafol is the most systemic triazole on the market, and azoxystrobin provides superior rust control.

“Adastrio fungicide is particularly suited for those corn growers facing late-season foliar diseases. The preventative and curative activity, and long residual activity make it ideal for targeting those diseases that impact grain fill,” Stratman adds. “Also, research has shown that fungicides containing an SDHI and strobilurin, like Adastrio fungicide, can help boost plant stress tolerance and provide additional growth benefits.”

Adastrio fungicide can be applied in early vegetation and from the VT-R3 stages in corn to manage for the specific disease spectrum growers face.

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