These high-level ambitions will be core of the industry’s negotiating position during the ICCM5 conference in Bonn, Germany between 25 and 29 September
The International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA), representing more than 90 percent of global chemical sales, announce the launch of three high-level ambitions on the sound management of chemicals and waste ahead of an upcoming key UN conference that will define the future of “Beyond 2020 Instrument”, the global UN-led policy framework to promote chemical safety around the world.
“ICCA has long been a strong supporter and contributor to the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management and the industry has achieved significant progress in building capacity on safe chemicals management in developing countries over the past years. Yet we know that more needs to be done to ensure that all people enjoy the same high standards of chemical safety, regardless of where they live. Our high-level ambition will show, through action, that we will continue to be a willing partner with all stakeholders to the advancement of the new framework’s objectives.”
Chris Jahn, the ICCA Secretariat and President and CEO of the American Chemistry Council added: “the launch of the three ambitions is not the end, it is a new start. As we move forward, we will be setting goals for each ambition to keep industry on track, and will actively engage with the governments, NGOs and other stakeholders as we are taking action. This cannot be done by industry alone and we look forward to working with all stakeholders to ensure that the work done is thoughtful and efficient.”
Beyond the ambitions, ICCA members will continue to engage in and support the sound management of chemicals and waste and the adoption of the new framework at the upcoming International Conference of Chemicals Management.
These high-level ambitions will be core of the industry’s negotiating position during the ICCM5 conference in Bonn, Germany between 25 and 29 September. The implementation details of these ambitions will depend on the outcome of international negotiations and the final agreement on the Beyond 2020 Instrument.
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