The company has posted total income of Rs. 80.40 crore, EBITDA at Rs. 4.81 crore and PAT at Rs. 1.09 crore in Q1 FY25
Mitsu Chem Plast Limited (Mitsu), one of the largest manufactures of Blow Molding, Injection Molding and Customized Molding, announced unaudited Financial Results for Q1 FY25.
The company has posted total income of Rs. 80.40 crore, EBITDA at Rs. 4.81 crore and PAT at Rs. 1.09 crore in Q1 FY25.
Commenting on the performance, Jagdish Dedhia, Chairman of Mitsu Chem Plast Limited said, “Q1 FY25 has commenced on a stable note, and we are optimistic about the future. India's growing prominence as a manufacturing hub for the pharmaceutical and chemical industries is expected to drive increased demand for plastic packaging. This trend aligns well with our strategic goals and market positioning.
“Mitsu Chem Plast's unique strengths in providing customized solutions, high-quality products, and timely delivery make us the preferred partner in the plastic packaging industry. Our ability to adapt to evolving market needs and deliver innovative packaging solutions has set us apart from the competition.
“We believe that our strategic focus on customer satisfaction, operational excellence, and sustainability will play a pivotal role in fueling our growth throughout FY25. By staying attuned to industry trends and maintaining our dedication to quality and service, we are confident in our ability to capitalize on the opportunities ahead and deliver value to our stakeholders.”
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