IPFT undertook several projects in 2010-11

IPFT undertook several projects in 2010-11

Gurgaon-based Institute of Pesticides Formulation Technology (IPFT) undertook several projects during 2010-11 and achieved success in various fronts.

  • By ICN Bureau | January 06, 2011

Gurgaon-based Institute of Pesticides Formulation Technology (IPFT) undertook several projects during 2010-11 and achieved success in various fronts.

According to sources in the Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals (DCPC), during 2010-11, the institute continued to work on its 9 ongoing projects and the reports of these projects are quite satisfactory.

IPFT received a total of Rs 19,19,400 till November 30, 2010 from sponsored projects by the industries.

It also continued to function as a technical coordinator unit of the Regional Network on safe Pesticides Production and Information for Asia and the Pacific on user and environment friendly pesticide formulation technology and quality assurance.

The IPFT also participated in the OPCW proficiency test in October-November.

The IPFT is engaged in the development and production of state-of-the-art user and environment friendly pesticide formulation technology. It promotes efficient application technologies which suit the existing requirements of the newer formulations.

During its 19 years of operation, IPFT has established a healthy rapport with the pesticide industry and has been able to successfully transfer technology for safer, efficient and environment-friendly formulations.

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