OMV secures additional gas transport capacities until 2028

OMV secures additional gas transport capacities until 2028

Secured additional European gas transport capacities to Austria

  • By ICN Bureau | July 11, 2023

In 2023's annual auction, OMV was awarded capacities of around 40 TWh p.a. for the period between October 2023 to September 2026, and around 20 TWh p.a. for the period between October 2026 to September 2028.

The border transfer points for the natural gas are Oberkappel via Germany and Arnoldstein via Italy. These capacities, in combination with alternative non-Russian gas sources of OMV, secure the supply obligations to its contract customers in the mid-term.

"OMV is actively driving forward the diversification of its gas supply sources, which includes gas from its own production and external sources from Norway, as well as additional LNG volumes. With this development, we continue to make a significant contribution to the gas supply in Austria.” commented Alfred Stern, CEO and Chairman of the OMV Executive Board “Our diversification strategy covers both gas supply sources and supply routes. The last auctions have shown that the challenge lies in the infrastructure, which, for historical reasons, is primarily focused on the supply route from the east via the Baumgarten hub." added Stern.

OMV continuously stores gas to further secure supplies to its customers. OMV's storage facilities are already filled at a capacity of around 85 percent.

OMV intends to transition from an integrated oil, gas, and chemicals company to become a leading provider of innovative and sustainable fuels, chemicals, and materials, while taking a leading global role in the circular economy. By switching over to a low-carbon business, OMV is striving to achieve net zero in all three Scopes by 2050 at the latest.

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