Petrobras begins binding phase of Tartaruga Field in Sergipe-Alagoas Basin

Petrobras begins binding phase of Tartaruga Field in Sergipe-Alagoas Basin

Total assignment of its 25% minority stake in the exploration, development and production rights of oil and natural gas in the Tartaruga Field

  • By ICN Bureau | January 25, 2025

Petrobras informs the beginning of the binding phase regarding the total assignment of its 25% minority stake in the exploration, development and production rights of oil and natural gas in the Tartaruga Field, located in the municipality of Pirambu-SE, in shallow waters of the Sergipe-Alagoas Basin, operated by SPE Tiêta (Petrorecôncavo).

Potential buyers qualified for this phase will receive an invitation letter with detailed instructions on the process in question, including guidelines for carrying out due diligence and submitting binding proposals.

This disclosure is in accordance with Petrobras' internal rules and with the provisions of the special procedure for the assignment of rights to explore, develop and produce oil, natural gas and other fluid hydrocarbons.

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