Resonac launces circular business model for used plastics and textiles

Resonac launces circular business model for used plastics and textiles

A new brand expanding the "Circle of Circulation" toward a sustainable future

  • By ICN Bureau | January 24, 2025

Resonac Corporation has launched "CirculaC," a circular business model for used plastics and textiles.

This business model aims to regenerate used plastics and textiles into chemical raw materials such as hydrogen, ammonia, acrylonitrile, and carbon dioxide through the power of chemistry, transforming them into various final products.

Through CirculaC, Resonac will strengthen its efforts toward the realization of a sustainable circular society.

The name “CirculaC” is a combination of "Circular" and the initial "C" from "Chemical Recycle." CirculaC embodies the idea that “Used plastics and textiles are regenerated into various products through the power of chemistry and circulate within the economy,” which is based on the Resonac’s Purpose, "Change Society through the Power of Chemistry." The logo of CirculaC conveys a sense of trust and stability as a brand supporting the next generation of a circular society.

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