Tecnicas Reunidas to create first European value chain for production of permanent magnets

Tecnicas Reunidas to create first European value chain for production of permanent magnets

Its main goal is to increase the EU’s annual permanent magnet production capacity twenty-fold by 2050

  • By ICN Bureau | January 28, 2025

Técnicas Reunidas has been selected as the leading company for the PERMANET Project (PERmanent MAgnet Network for the European Transition) promoted by the European Commission (EC) within the framework of its Horizon Program.

The main goal of the project is to create the first complete European value chain for the production of permanent magnets.

This chain will include the extraction, processing and refining of rare earths —which are the basis for the production of permanent magnets—, the manufacture of the magnets, and their recycling.

Técnicas Reunidas, besides leading the project, will address in its Technology Center the development of the technology that will allow the production of rare earths from minerals and secondary sources for manufacturing permanent magnets.

The company has proven experience in this field, as it already supplies the market with its own technology, RARETECH, which allows obtaining rare earth concentrates in the form of carbonates from ores.

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