CPChem ranked No. 1 supplier of high-density polyethylene

CPChem ranked No. 1 supplier of high-density polyethylene

CPChem ranked No. 1 on 15 attributes and in the top three for all categories but one

  • By ICN Bureau | May 25, 2024

Mastio & Company ranked CPChem No. 1 HDPE Supplier Overall based on interviews with 176 customers. HDPE is high-density polyethylene, a polymer made from ethylene, used in the manufacture of durable products such as pipe, kayaks and coolers as well as plastic packaging.

“CPChem takes pride in providing excellent customer service and a high-quality polyethylene product to our customers. The results of the Mastio survey shows that – while we can always improve – our customer-focused strategies are working,” said Chris Hausler, global polymers sales director. “We look forward to continuing to build strong relationships with our customers.”

The survey, conducted between November 2023 and January 2024, ranked suppliers on 33 attributes and asked customers questions about suppliers’ competitive pricing, honesty and trustworthiness, lot-to-lot consistency, prompt resolution of resin quality issues, and proactive communication in the event of a potential supply chain issue.

CPChem ranked No. 1 on 15 attributes and in the top three for all categories but one.

The results show improvements in nearly all scores since the last survey, conducted in 2021, including innovation and new product development, and consistent and accurate on-time delivery.

What makes the 2024 ranking even more significant is that Mastio & Company recognized that CPChem’s culture of Performance by Design, Caring by Choice stands out, said Jason Ormes, CPChem’s global polymers business manager.

“This recognition from our polyethylene customers was only possible through the significant contributions of multiple groups working together, determinedly, including sales, customer service, technical service, supply chain, commercial managers, manufacturing and others,” Ormes said. “I want to thank all the hard-working teams for their efforts, especially in the face of the multiple challenges in recent years.”

Other companies included in the customer satisfaction survey included Baystar, Dow, ExxonMobil, Formosa, INEOS, LyondellBasell, Shell Polymers and Westlake.

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